Erectile Restoration After Prostate Cancer Treatment
in Miami, FL

Dr. Amy Pearlman, a leading Miami urologist, focuses on enhancing penile health and restoring erectile function following prostate cancer treatment. With a deep understanding of the physical and emotional challenges faced by men post-treatment, Dr. Pearlman offers advanced and compassionate care tailored to each patient’s unique needs.

Impact of Prostate Cancer Treatment on Erectile Function

Prostate cancer treatments, including surgery, radiation, and hormone therapies, often affect penile size and erectile function, significantly impacting a man’s life. Dr. Pearlman is dedicated to helping men overcome these challenges and improve their quality of life through comprehensive treatment plans.

What to Expect with Treatment

Patients undergoing erectile restoration treatments with Dr. Pearlman can expect a thorough approach starting with a detailed medical assessment followed by a customized treatment plan aimed at maximizing recovery and functional outcomes.

Advanced Treatment Options Available

  • Penile Rehabilitation Protocols: Including vacuum erection devices and traction therapy to promote blood flow and tissue health.
  • Supplements and Oral Medications: Used to enhance blood flow either as standalone treatments or in conjunction with other therapies.
  • Penile Constriction Bands: To help sustain erections by retaining penile blood flow.
  • Innovative Wearable Devices: For continuous monitoring of erectile fitness and treatment progress.
  • Intraurethral Medication: Inserted directly into the urethra to facilitate erection.
  • Intracavernosal Injection Therapy: Direct injections into the penis to provoke erections.
  • Focused Shockwave Therapy: A non-invasive approach using shockwaves to encourage blood vessel growth.
  • Penile Implant Surgery: Offers a permanent solution for those with refractory ED, providing high satisfaction rates.



Erectile dysfunction is a frequent side effect of prostate cancer therapies but can be significantly improved with targeted treatment strategies.

Optimizing hormone levels, including testosterone, can enhance libido, sexual performance, and overall well-being. It is generally safe for prostate cancer survivors with managed conditions to use testosterone therapy.

This consists of specific treatments and exercises designed to increase blood flow and elasticity of the penile tissue after prostate cancer treatment, helping to prevent tissue damage and improve treatment efficacy.

Treatments like oral medications, injections, and implants are highly effective when combined with hormone therapies and rehabilitation protocols, enabling most men to resume satisfying sexual activities.

Beyond enhancing sexual function, treating ED can also improve genital health, boost relationship intimacy, elevate self-confidence, and alleviate anxiety and depression.

Contact Dr. Amy Pearlman Today

If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction following prostate cancer treatment and seek expert care in Miami, contact Dr. Amy Pearlman’s office today to schedule a consultation and learn more about your options for recovery and restoration. Let us help you regain your confidence and intimacy.

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